Saturday 13 December 2014

My horror novel The Return is included in Holiday Sale package at the Lovecraft eZine

Package 2 includes my Lovecraftian crime noir horror novel, The Return.…/holiday-sale-20-awesome-lovecra…/

Holiday Sale: 20 Awesome Lovecraftian books, less than one dollar each!
That Which Should Not Be
For the next five days only (sale ends Wednesday, December 17), The Lovecraft eZine is offering twenty Lovecraftian Kindle books at heavily discounted prices!
Included in the sale: The Grimscribe’s Puppets, A Season in Carcosa (a King in Yellow anthology), The Sea of Ash, That Which Should Not Be, Horror For the Holidays, and many more!
This Holiday Sale benefits The Lovecraft eZine… thank you for your support, I truly appreciate it.
Choose your package below.  Clicking the link takes you to Paypal.  After you pay, your browser will be directed to the download page, so DO NOT close your browser immediately after payment.  Any problems, email me at .
Note that I have included information on the regular prices of these books — as you can see, it’s a huge savings!  Click the link to verify, and for information on the book.
Package ONE, $4.95 (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE).  If you bought these books separately, your cost would be $18.98.  Package includes:
Package TWO, $9.95 (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE).  If you bought these books separately, your cost would be $45.37.  Package includes the books in package one, PLUS:
Package THREE, $14.95 (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE).  If you bought these books separately, your cost would be $77.78.  Package includes the books in packages one and two, PLUS:
Package FOUR, $19.95 (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE).  If you bought these books separately, your cost would be $102.65.  Package includes the books in packages one, two, and three, PLUS:
Enjoy the books… and thanks so much for your support.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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