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Wednesday 31 March 2010
Back from Kenya
Tuesday 30 March 2010
World Horror Convention - Brighton
Like everyone else I bumped into there, I found it a well organised, busy, packed convention, with surely something for everyone who is interested in the horror genre.
It was great to meet so many people for the first time, many of whom I had only met online - or knew about from what they had written. Some, like Gary McMahon, Charles Black, Dave Sutton, Des Lewis and Mark Samuels, I had previously bumped into, but others like Paul Finch, Johnny Mains, Simon Bestwick, John L. Probert, Basil Copper, etc were known only either by what they had written or by telephone and emails. I wasn't disappointed in any of them, and a nicer group of people it would be hard to imagine.
Steve Jones and the rest of the WHC committee did a splendid job in putting together a packed venue of events. Some highlights were Reggie Oliver's superb theatrical renderings of two of his best stories, Puss Cat and The Copper Wig, John L. Probert and Kathleen's production of "Corruption", and the inimicable In the Gloaming troupe.
Not only were the goody bags for this convention astonishingly well filled, but I also received copies of Johnny Mains' anthology, the strikingly well-produced Back From the Dead (which contains my story The True Spirit), and a US hardback reprint of Steve Jones' zombie anthology from the mid-nineties, The Mammoth Book of Zombies, now retitled The Monster Book of Zombies, which contains my story Out of Corruption. These on top of Charlie Black's latest addition to his long-running Black Books of Horror, now up to number six, in which I have yet another story! This is a record for me - and one it will be hard to beat at future conventions, I'm sure.