Friday 26 July 2024

The Demon From Another World accepted for publication

The good news this morning is that I have just received word that another rather longish sword and sorcery yarn of mine has been accepted for publication. Unfortunately, I am not allowed as yet to reveal any more details about it other than that the story is called The Demon From Another World.

This marks the eighth new story chosen for publication this year.

Thursday 25 July 2024

The Complete World of Horror Volume 1

Just received one of the largest hardcover books in my posssession, Volume 1 of The Complete World of Horror, which contains a reproduction of the first three issues of that iconic magazine from the mid 1970s. Although I had nothing in these earliest issues, I did have a couple of stories in later ones, The Shade of Apollyon and Terror on the Moors, illustrated by Jim Pitts, which I hope to see eventually in volumes 2 and 3. 

The Complete World of Horror is published by Confessions Press, edited by Gent Shaw with a Foreword by John Probert. 

Anyone interested in buying a copy could use this link to Confessions Press.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

My latest sword and sorcery story In the Temple of the Snake is in Crimson Quill Quarterly No 3

I am very pleased to be able to announce that my latest sword and sorcery story, an 8000 word yarn called In the Temple of the Snake, is in the latest issue of Crimson Quill Quarterly, along with some stellar contribributors.

Crimson Quill Quarterly is available as a papertback and kindle eBook.

A City of Phantoms (Part 2 of 2): Teel James Glenn - When their caravan is attacked, Dunal and Ada are captured and taken to the legendary city of Atlaztan, a frightening madhouse of magick and murder, and it is up to the two companions to not only survive - but escape against all odds!

Backed Up in Iber: Carl Ellis - Ceeon, wayward, once-retired thief, drowning in medical debt, takes on one final job in the hopes of rebuilding his life and reconnecting with his daughter. All he has to do is steal some items from one of the most heavily guarded vaults in all of Iber!

King of Killers: Mario Curic - The barbarian king Keroveh rules the former No Man's Land with the aid of an army of sellswords and an ancient relic of mysterious power. When another mercenary carries a similar gift arrives to offer his services, the ruthless warlord sees an opportunity to spread his reach, all the while plagued by a worm of doubt.

Trollslayer: Susan Murrie Macdonald - After being sent on what Vilne believed would be a boring errand, it was not long before he began to detect the presence of nearby trolls. After destroying their dwelling, he is set upon by a pair of the foul monstrosities. These monsters, however, may not be as mindless or heartless as legend has let on.

In the Temple of the Snake: David A. Riley - To the snake charmer, the proferred journey to the Temple of the Snake by the secretive sorcerer Roannda Caltrani was barely a challenge to his abilities, and in the end it would make him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Little did he suspect that the horrors he would find inside the forbidden temple would be incredibly far worse than anything he could have imagined and would change his life forever.

Trail of Steel: Damir Salkovic - Having narrowly escaped a hanging, three unlikely companions rob a wealthy merchant, set free a chain of slaves, and become embroiled in a tribal feud as they flee civilization. Over the mountains, the unruly coast beckons, a frontier of sinister magic and hungry swords where they hope to escape their past misdeeds. But redemption has a price, and the dangers are many on the trail of steel.

The Drakvur Challenge: Rab Foster - In a temple dedicated to a mysterious deity known as Drakvur, at dawn on the longest day of the year, six prisoners are forced to take part in a ritual. They must race across a lake using stepping stones that weave between sinister statues and rise above shoals of hungry fish. Unfortunately, they have a seventh competitor to deal with: Drakvur itself...

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Book Review: The Instruments of Darkness by John Connolly


Hodder & Stoughton 2024, 450 pages

Available in hardcover

I am a big fan of John Connolly’s Charlie Parker novels, all of which I have read. This, unbelievably, is the twenty-first!

You would perhaps expect after so many tales for there to be a gradual lessening of originality but believe me The Instruments of Darkness reads as fresh as ever. With its subtle blend of crime and the supernatural, you are never quite sure where common criminality ends and worse takes over. And believe me however bad common criminality is the other is far, far worse. 

This is certainly the case here where Parker is hired to look into the guilt or otherwise of Colleen Clark whose young son has disappeared, either kidnapped or murdered. The local district attorney, out to make a name for himself in an upcoming election to higher office, and his equally ambitious assistant, out to take his place when he steps up, are determined to prove Colleen is guilty of murdering her son and hiding his body. Compounding how bad things look for her, her estranged husband finds a bloodstained blanket in the boot of Colleen’s car and is outspoken in his belief his wife is their son’s killer. Things, indeed, look bad for Colleen, but she is lucky in having recurring character Moxie Castin as her lawyer, who wisely asks Parker to investigate what happened.

And so begins a darkening tale of mysteries, intrigues and malign influences.

Connolly has again given us a great cast of vividly depicted characters, whether they’re people you love, pity, despise or hate. Plus plenty of action. And we also have other recurring characters we are used to expect in any Charlie Parker novel, such as Angel and Louie.  

The last Charlie Parker book, The Furies, was made up of two novellas, which I found less satisfying. Thankfully The Instruments of Darkness is one long, full-blooded novel, into which it is easy to become thoroughly absorbed. The only problem for me, despite being well over four hundred pages in length, is that I found it such a page-turner it didn’t take me long to finish it! Now I have at least another year, perhaps more, before I can dip into another.


This review was first published in Phantasmagoria Magazine Summer 2024 

Book Review: Germanicus, Lord of Eagles by Adrian Cole


DMR Books 2023, 336 pages

Available in hardcover, paperback, and kindle

First of all I must make an admission of being a huge fan of anything to do with Rome, especially in the first century AD, during and after the emperor Augustus. One of my favourite series of novels are of Centurion Macro and his friend Cato by Simon Scarrow.

So you can imagine how much I was looking forward to reading this. And I was not disappointed. With Germanicus, Lord of Eagles Adrian Cole has embarked on an ambitious rewrite of Roman history in the early empire, in which events have been derailed from those we know by the sinister machinations of two competing secret cults steeped in sorcery, the Via Sinister and the Via Tenebrae, whose plots are as mysterious in their objectives as they are blatantly malevolent.

Our first glimpse of their malign intervention comes in the opening pages when the man who would have otherwise become Emperor Claudius in years to come is brutally murdered while still only a young man. As a result of these plots other players in Roman history either manage to live far longer than they did or meet different, sometimes horrifying fates.

Germanicus, Lord of Eagles has an impressively large cast of characters spread across the length and breadth of the Roman Empire, from the rain-drenched forests of Germania to the sun-baked cities of Egypt and Judea. As the plot has already deviated from historical fact there is, of course, the added tension of now not knowing what will befall anyone. Being rather pro-Roman I must admit to feeling concerned about the plot to assassinate Germanicus, next in line to be emperor after the aging Tiberius, so as to enable Caligula to succeed him instead. I won’t give anything away, as it’s all in the lap of the gods, so to speak. Or at least in the lap of Adrian Cole, who knows how to create wonderfully vivid characters and intriguing plots and has obviously made a thorough study of this period.

I won’t give away any plot details as this would spoil reading this book, except to say that it is eventful, vivid and thoroughly credible once you accept the involvement of the supernatural behind the scenes. There are many really likeable characters – and no shortage of the opposite, including the ever scheming, massively ambitious Sejanus, prefect of the praetorium guard, who I still remember from the BBC adaptation of Robert Graves’ I, Claudius, in which he was brilliantly portrayed by a young Patrick Stewart.

Germanicus, Lord of Eagles is a far cry from Adrian Coles’ Elak stories, with much less use of the supernatural, but when it occurs it certainly makes an impact. With so many individuals’ storylines still ongoing, and with the plotting of both Via Sinister and Via Tenebrae deepening I am looking forward to reading the next in this brilliantly conceived series. 


This review was first published in Phantasmagoria Magazine Summer 2024 

Elak, King of Atlantis is now available as a paperback and kindle eBook


We are pleased to announce that the second volume of Adrian Cole's Atlantis Trilogy, Elak, King of Atlantis is now available as a paperback and kindle eBook.

Here are two quick links to the trilogy so far:

Amazon UK

Amazon USA


Stories included in Elak, King of Atlantis are:
First published in
Strange Tales, no 10, Wildside Press (US), 2007, in a slightly different version.
First published in
Worlds of the Unknown, no 1, Spectre Press (UK), 2014.
First published in magazine form in
Skelos, no 4, edited by Mark Finn, 2020, (US) and reprinted in 1st edition of ELAK, KING OF ATLANTIS, 2020 (US).
First published in
The Mighty Warriors, Ulthar Press (US), 2018.
First appears in this volume.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Book Review - Savage Realms Monthly: Tales of Swords and Sorcery May 2024 Issue

SAVAGE REALMS MONTHLY: Tales of Swords and Sorcery

May 2024 # 28

Edited by Willard Black

Literary Rebel LLC, 2024

109 pages

Savage Realms Monthly is now up to its 28th issue. Each issue publishes three stories, often by new writers. This month’s features the return of Steve Dilks, who has the distinction of having had a story in the very first issue. He returns with his popular character, Bohun, a huge black mercenary whose adventures feature frequently in Steve’s stories. Red Trail of Vengeance brings Bohun into contact with a desperate and violent gang of cutthroats who ambush him and, after inflicting him with some sadist tortures, leave him for dead. Which is a big mistake as Bohun is not so easily killed. Even before he has fully recovered from his injuries, Bohun sets out for the bloody vengeance of the title, which takes him to the tyrannically run city of Dhamur from where the cutthroats sprang. When reading sword and sorcery stories I must admit to preferring long stories in which the writer can all but weave a yarn with an involved plot. Which is exactly what Dilks gives us here. Without a doubt Red Trail of Vengeance is the standout story in this issue, with some great fight scenes and finely woven twists and turns and vividly drawn characters. Not that Matthew McConkey’s Last Sigh of the Sea is not brilliant in itself, with a story that edges close to being a fable, as the ruthless King Aelfydd extorts enormous powers by torture from a sorceress which he uses to fulfil his own insatiable ambitions, despite dire warnings of the catastrophic fate he risks by doing so. A well told tale with an increasingly more ominous climax. The final story is John DeLaughter’s Last of the Star-Crossed Wizards, an involved tale of intrigue and double-dealings by powerful beings with whom it is dangerous for mere humans to become involved, laced with some dark humour.

All in all another excellent issue, proving that Savage Realms Monthly is a reliable cornerstone of the current resurgence of interest in the sword and sorcery genre.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Sherlock & Friends edited by Lyndon Perry is now available - contains my story The Adventure of the Mouldy Book

I am pleased to announce that Sherlock & Friends: Eldritch Investigations is now available as a hardcover and paperback. This anthology, edited by Lyndon Perry, contains my Max Carrados story The Adventure of the Mouldy Book, which is my first attempt at a pastiche.

Nine tales of mystery and suspense featuring friends and rivals of Sherlock Holmes pitting their investigative skills against Lovecraftian horrors. Enter the halls of madness as each of our contributors ‘channel the spirits’ of Victorian and Edwardian age detectives who graced the dime novels and pulp magazines of that golden era.

Novelets by Derrick Belanger, Gustavo Bondoni, Mike Chinn, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Steve Doyle, Elana Gomel, Stephen Herczeg, Naching T. Kassa, and David A. Riley. Interior illustrations by Gilead the Artist accompany each story. Edited by Lyndon Perry and published by Tule Fog Press.

It's available here:

Saturday 15 June 2024

Elak, Warrior of Atlantis by Adrian Cole is now available as a paperback or Kindle eBook from Parallel Universe Publications


We are pleased to announce that the first volume of Adrian Cole's Elak of Atlantis trilogy, Elak, Warrior of Atlantis, is now available as a paperback and Kindle eBook.

It's 320 pages contain the following stories:

A SONG OF PICTISH KINGS, first published in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Magazine, no 49, 2021
DEMONS OF THE DEEP, first published in Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Magazine, no 40, 2019
ON DEATH SEED ISLAND, first published in Tales from the Magician’s Skull, no 4, 2020
TOWER IN THE CRIMSON MIST, first published in Savage Scrolls 1, edited by Jason R Carney, Pulp Hero Press (USA) 2020
A DREAM OF LOST VALUSIA, first published (as Dreams of a Sunken Realm) in Tales from the Magician’s Skull, no 5, 2020
SAILING ON THE THIEVES’ TIDE, first published in Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy vol 3, edited by David A. Riley, Parallel Universe Publications (UK) 2021
THE SINGERS IN THE STONES Published here for the first time.
Artwork on the cover and inside is by Jim Pitts
The Introduction is by David C. Smith. 

Below are two quick links to and - paperback $16; ebook $3.70 - paperback £12.99; ebook £2.99 
Volume Two, Elak, King of Atlantis, will be published next month. 

Monday 10 June 2024

My sword & sorcery tale In the Temple of the Snake to be published in Crimson Quill Quarterly #3

I am very pleased to be able to reveal that my 8700 word sword and sorcery tale In the Temple of the Snake will be in the third issue of Crimson Quill Quarterly. This will feature another appearance by Nadrain the Storyteller, though not in a central role this time. 

Nadrain previously appeared in The Storyteller of Koss (Summer of Sci-Fi & Fantasy), The Dark Priestdom (Savage Realms Monthly - #19) and Welgar the Cursed (Swords & Heroes).

Tuesday 4 June 2024

An Oddity to be reprinted in the States

My Medusa-themed story An Oddity, which appeared in the January issue of Schlock! Webzine, is now scheduled to be reprinted in an American anthology. More details later. 


An Oddity was first published here in January 2024. I was especially pleased with the cover illustration of the Gorgon, painted by the brilliant Sixteenth Century Italian artist Caravaggio.

Sunday 26 May 2024

In the Temple of the Snake to be published later this year

My 8700 word sword and sorcery tale In the Temple of the Snake has been accepted for publication later this year. More details soon. 

This will mark my seventh brand new story to be published in 2024.

Monday 13 May 2024

Contract signed for The Forbidden City of Cyramon

Just signed a contract with Lyndon Perry to publish another of my sword and sorcery stories, this time in his "One Story at a Time" series. 

Brand new, originally called just Cyramon, it is now to be published as The Forbidden City of Cyramon

Baal the Necromancer to be reprinted in Schlock! Webzine

Pleased to receive an acceptance this morning from Gavin Chappell, who will be reprinting my early sword and sorcery story Baal the Necromancer in the December issue of Schlock! Webzine. This story was first published in Mythic magazine, now sadly defunct.