Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Harrassment Policy at FantasyCon 2014

I noticed that the FantasyCon 2014 website has details of a Harrassment Policy. I can't recall ever seeing anything like this on the website (or anywhere else for that matter) for a British fantasy convention before. It's left me wondering whether this is merely a preemptive strike or whether there have been genuine concerns over this issue here in the UK in recent years, even though I can't recall hearing anything about it.

Don't get me wrong. I have no objections to such a policy. In fact anyone who hasn't already adhered to it in spirit, never mind the letter, has no place at a convention so far as I'm concerned. It just seems sad that something about this issue has to be posted on the site. It could raise concerns and maybe even fears about what sometimes happens at conventions to anyone who has never attended one before.

Is this a sign of just where things have been heading over recent years in the wake of so many horrendous disclosures and prosecutions after the Jimmy Saville scandal? Or am I, not for the first time I might add, missing the point?

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