In 1974, together with Jim Pitts, I took over the editorship of the Society's Bulletin, which we transformed from a duplicated publication to lithograph.
I also did the covers for the 2nd and 3rd issues of Dark Horizons, the Society's journal, then edited by Rosemary Pardoe.
In 2010 I again took up editing the Society's newsletter, now renamed for some reason Prism.
I also contributed a novelette to the society's 2008 trade paperback, edited by David A. Sutton, Houses on the Borderland, along with Allen Ashley, Samantha Lee, Simon Bestwick, Gary Fry, and Paul Finch.
Contrary to certain mischevous people who have been criticising my involvement with this year's convention (for the first time I'll be on a panel, discussing the small press), I have been an active member and supporter of the BFS ever since it began and done actual, solid, beneficial work for the society. I would love to see what their contribution to the Society has been.
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