Sunday, 18 January 2015

A Big Thank You to Joe Young

I would like to give a big thank you to Joe Young, without whom I would not have considered republishing Goblin Mire.

After my one and only fantasy novel was originally published by Renaissance eBooks several years ago, I was so discouraged with the appallingly bad cover they slapped on it and by the total lack of help I got from them in promoting the book, I took it off the market as soon as my contract with them allowed. There the novel would have stayed until, out of the blue, Joe Young contacted me. On his own initiative, equally appalled by the original cover, he had designed a new one. His encouragement led me to rewriting the novel, shedding 8 or 9 thousand words and, finally, getting it published again as a trade paperback and ebook with Joe's wraparound cover.

Thanks, Joe. However well (or not) the book does, I am glad that it's properly available again - and this time with the kind of cover I hope it deserves!

1 comment:

  1. A very big "You're welcome" to you David. When I started work on the cover I had very little knowledge of or experience with digital painting, so your cover was something of a baptism of fire for me. I am so pleased that you are happy with the end result.

    You're one of the good guys, and it has been a pleasure to work with you on this. I've learned a lot and will continue to do so.

    I hope the revised cover helps you with the sales and following that your novel so richly deserves.


