Friday 3 December 2010

BFS Open Night - Manchester, Sunday 5th December

The BFS will be holding its first open night in the North West this Sunday at the Lass O'Gowrie, 36 Charles Street, M1 7DB. Situated between Princess Street and Oxford Road, and not too far from the Oxford Road Rail Station and a bit further to the Piccadilly Station.

I'm looking forward to this. So far I understand there'll be David Howe, newly elected BFS chairman, plus writers Paul Finch and Simon Bestwick.The Open Night starts at 6 p.m.

There are some details about it on the BFS site: link


  1. Great old pub too. Spent a lot of time in it as a student in Manchester. The curry mile isn't too far either

    Craig Herbertson

  2. All being well I should be there, though possibly a bit late...

  3. Depending on the weather we could all be a bit late, Simon. Still, I'm sure it will be worth it.

    Thanks for your recommendation of the venue, Craig - though I doubt I'll be sampling the delights of the curry mile this Sunday. When I leave it will almost certainly be with the intention of getting home as quickly as possible on our snow-packed roads!
